The telemedical platform, including the in-app self-monitoring survey, can be customized for most diseases entities. The first implementations were related to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and versions supporting the diagnosis of patients with cardiovascular problems are currently under development. It can serve as a tool for initial diagnosis and segregation (triage tool).

The SYGMO for COVID-19 telemedicine platform is based on a mobile application that can be used by an employee (patient) to fills in a self-check questionnaire and on an advanced Data Analysis Center system. The data sent to the system by means of the mobile application are analyzed by the consulting physicians. The system itself generates alerts based on advanced algorithms for presentation of the results of symptom analysis.

The SYGMO post COVID-19 telemedical platform with patient surveys to support diagnosis and multispecialty care after COVID-19 developed by experts in multiple medical fields.
The success of our project is a result of combining the expertise of medical, IT and patient education experts. An interdisciplinary team is constantly working to develop the SYGMO concept using the capabilities of smart technology.
The casusBTL Group is responsible for the commercialization of the solution.

Military Institute of Medicine